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How to Build a HHO Cell - What You Should Know

Due to escalating fuel prices that seems to be heading for the US $7.00 per gallon if the current trend persists, car owners will have to dig deep in their pockets in order to keep within their fixed budgets. This adverse trend seems to be affecting practically almost country on the planet.

Drivers from all over the world have been researching data that can be used to build a fully functional HHO cell that would allow them to save on their gas bill and also save the environment from toxic fumes that come from their vehicles

This in demand water hybrid system consists of water, baking soda and parts such as a water tank of .5 to 1.5 gallons capacity and several other parts that can be purchased at your local hardware store that cost in the vicinity of $50-$200.

If you are a hobbyist, engineer or mechanic you can implement this yourself since it is a Do It Yourself system but if you are not mechanically oriented then you can let you mechanic do it for you in his garage.

This water4gas technology is based on splitting water and using the resulting gases not to drive the vehicle but to enhance the effectiveness of the combustion so that we can have a cleaner environment. It is a known fact that a car uses 20% of the energy stored in fuel while the other 80% is unburned fuel that result in pollution and carbon build up in your engine.

This is a system that uses hydrogen on demand and this is formed when it is needed and not stored in your car in a hydrogen tank like hydrogen cars. All HHO cells work on the same basic principle although there may be deviations from the original designs.

HHO generators or HHO cells use electrolysis which is the process of passing electricity through water in order to generate energy. The gas that is derived from this process is called Browns gas or HHO (two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen) or sometimes called oxyhydrogen.

Electricity to do this procedure is usually derived from your car battery/alternator. HHO Gas or Browns gas is normally used to supplement gasoline usage and this HHO travels from the HHO cell to the engine air intake via a vacuum. Subsequent to entering the intake it combines with air in the engine where it will supplement the gasoline for combustion.

Routine weekly maintenance will last about 5 minutes and will normally involve adding baking soda and water.

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Do It Yourself???

Do it yourself, often referred to by the acronym "DIY," is a term used by various communities that focus on people creating things for themselves without the aid of paid professionals. Many DIY subcultures explicitly critique consumer culture, which emphasizes that the solution to our needs is to purchase things, and instead encourage people to take technologies into their own hands.
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