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How to Clean Your Kitchen Using Green Tea

For centuries, green tea has been known for their natural ingredients that come from green plants that are good for health. Green tea is rich with nutrients and antioxidants that help our body system immunity to prevent some diseases, build up our skin and weight loss.

Green tea is not only excellent for health but also excellent as household cleaner. Green tea is able to clean the kitchen effectively and much efficient than the traditional way of cleaning. The best thing is it uses less harmful chemicals because it always uses its natural extract to clean.

You are going green by using green tea instead of harsh chemicals that are bad for the environment and health especially your skin. In addition, the cost of green tea is affordable. Here are easy instructions how to clean your kitchen using green tea.

First of all, obviously you must have at least a small pack of green tea. Purchase the cheapest green tea available in grocery store at your place. You need only the green tea natural extract, not the taste. Therefore, it is not worth to choose branded, formulated or fancy green tea.

Fill water in a large pot. Put the pot on a stove and heat the water until boil. As an alternative, you can use tea kettle to boil the water, and then transfer it to a pot when it is boiling. Then put in a couple of green tea bags or two tablespoons green tea leaf in the boiling water. Allow the tea completely extracted for a few minutes just like making tea for drinking. Turn off the heat and let the green tea cool down.

Get a clean kitchen towel or a rag and soak it into the green tea. Squeeze the kitchen towel or the rag but not let the green tea off too much. Use them to wipe and clean just like you do with regular cleaning agents on any surfaces of your kitchen. Common surfaces of kitchen are counter-tops, top of the stove, inside and outside of refrigerator and microwave, and tiles. You not require wearing glove while cleaning your kitchen because the green tea will not damage your skin and it is totally safe.

You will find out that the green tea works on any surfaces of the kitchen and leave off natural and refreshing smell. Just like any traditional cleaning methods, if you are not confident with the green tea reaction with the surface material, make an experiment with a small amount of the green tea on a small area of the surface to be cleaned.

Green tea may not replace your regular cleaning agent entirely but you can use this way to reduce the use of harmful chemicals, help save nature and save money. Now you know that green tea is good for your body, your home and environment.

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Do it yourself, often referred to by the acronym "DIY," is a term used by various communities that focus on people creating things for themselves without the aid of paid professionals. Many DIY subcultures explicitly critique consumer culture, which emphasizes that the solution to our needs is to purchase things, and instead encourage people to take technologies into their own hands.
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