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Tips for painting a room

A fresh coat of paint with suitable shade gives a wonderful looks for a room. Painting a room may take hours or more than a day. It depends on the room size and the painting style. Whatever the size and the style of the room, the painting techniques remain the same. In this article are some helpful tips for painting a room to make the process easier. You will enjoy the project as much as the finished result! It’s personally rewarding, inexpensive fun.

Before you start, you have to decide color for the room. The color set the entire mood of the room. You may want your room into a light and happy place or a more serious place that you can use to get work done. So you can use color scheme card to help you in making your color decision. Once you've made your decision, go to hardware store or paint store to purchase suitable paint for your room and painting equipments.

Follow these tips for painting a room:

1) Plan a day ahead for preparation.

A good result usually begins with a good plan. Make sure you purchase sufficient top quality paints and get ready all the painting equipments. Use only top quality paint because their finishes are much easier to work with and offer long-term performance.

Use a day ahead of painting day to gather furniture in the center of the room and cover them with a good drop cloth, take everything off the walls, put blue painter's tape around doors and windows, and cover light fixtures with large plastic bags.

2) Prepare the wall surface properly.

Paint only stick on surfaces that are clean and sound. Remove dirt, dust and grime from walls, ceilings and trim with a detergent-water solution. Rinse the wall thoroughly with water and allowed to dry completely. Then use a putty knife to fill cracks and holes with a quality acrylic caulk. Finally, if walls or ceilings have water stains, it may be necessary to coat them with a latex or oil-based stain-blocking primer before painting to prevent the stains from bleeding through the new paint.

3) Painting process.

Firstly, start painting at the ceiling. Starting at a corner, paint a section about 3 feet square using paint roller. Use a zigzag pattern which will disperse the paint on the roller evenly. Fill in this 3 feet section without reloading the roller until you have complete coverage of this section. Continue to cover the ceiling, working across its shortest dimension in 3 foot square sections, overlapping while paint is wet to minimize lap marks.

After completing the ceiling, continue to paint the wall. Use tools for edging to paint the top edge of the walls. Then paint in a vertical direction using a zigzag pattern with paint roller. Push the roller upward on the first stroke; paint a section about 3 feet square without reloading the roller until you have complete coverage of this section. Continue with this approach until the wall is finished. Touching up spots you missed when the paint is wet will help minimize sheen potential sheen differences.

4) Clean up process.

Rinse your paint brushes, rollers and equipments in warm water to clean. Let the painted walls dry completely before you reinstall your furniture and rearrange your room.

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